thanks for the submission - I like where you're going with #31 - I would be interested in seeing it in different fonts - Thanks for the hard work! i'm looking forward to seeing what else you come up with!
thanks for the submssions - they are cute, but I really do not want to use a panda - already uses the panda...could you play around with #31 a bit..... some tips - 1 color, must be solid b/c going to be embroidered onto fabric and I really like olive green- something I have not seen yet, but would like to is having bambucco in an arch either above or below a handprint/leaf....hope this helps... thanks for the hard work.
thanks for submitting again! i really like #127. The star is a good idea, but I am really stuck on hand print. couple things - the hand print looks a bit old to me, is it possible to make the palm and fingers a bit shorter? also, I would like to see this in some different fonts. Thanks again - I like where you're going!
I was looking at #127 again, could you try one with the same font only not as thick - not thin, but just not quite so thick...... thanks, i think i do like the font and its the thickness that is throwing me off.... we shall see. thanks again
thanks for submitting again - #137 okay, this is going to sound really picky but here goes.... i like the one stripe in #127 better than 2 stripes in #137 - the hand print is looking more like a baby print - i think the thumb needs to be a bit shorter still - and the print to be canted about 30-45 degrees to the right.... and lastly, can you do a happy medium of font thickness about half way between #137 and #127.... how's that for picky :)
thanks - i really like #160 - couple more adjustments I think would look good - the plam -rotateabout 30-45 degrees to the right, the straight lines bordering everything, i really like the thickness in #127. Also in #127 I like how the hand print takes up the space of the square - could you make the hand print fill the space of the square in #160 as well.....
I like it. A LOT. i like everything about this, but would still be interested in seeing it in different fonts with same thickness so I can be sure.... THANKS!!!
thanks for resubmitting - i really like the font in #172 but could we try it thicker? It does not fill out the space as well as #165... thanks for working on these
okay, not sure between #172 and #196.... #172 looks thin to me and #196 looks like it does not have room... going to sleep on this. thanks again for working on these