BambuccoLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Bambucco

Bambucco has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 310 designs from 27 different designers from around the world.


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Logo Designer
I submitted, as requested, one color concepts; but I just had to show how elegant it looks with two.
The brain is working to figure out how to incorporate baby hands in the logo.
Comment when you get the chance,
thanks again,
-- Conner P Jones

(This comment references Entry #88)
15 years ago
thanks for submitting - i like #88 the best - could we try it in olive green and also with the font a bit thicker -

i would really like the logo to have a baby hand print (nice and pudgy) in the logo.... so far it seems difficult to incorporate without looking like an afterthought but i would be interested in seeing what you can come up with. ALso, something I have not yet seen that I would like to is the bambucco in an arch either above/below a hand print/leaves or the leaves incorporated into the word like you have it. thanks for the hard work - i'm looking forward to seeing what else you come up with.

oh, other pointers - no graident/shading - must use solid color - i like the olive green - it will be embroidered onto fabric - simple is best, complicated does not embroider well.....thanks!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
same patterns, olive combonations....

(This comment references Entry #94)

submitted these olive combos, without refreshing the page, so I didn't get a chance to read your commentary until after my latest submissions.
Will get back to work,
thanks for the feedback.

- Conner P Jones
15 years ago
Logo Designer
The thicker font face does look dramatically better, great suggestion. Working on an arc concept with the pudgy baby hand, expect an update later this afternoon.

(This comment references Entry #103)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Updated, went with little baby feet.
Can switch the idea to hands if requested.
Comments welcome as always

--- Conner P Jones

(This comment references Entry #129)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Here's some plays on size and a soft edged square shape.
Also there is experimentation with 2 or 3 bamboo segments in the text.
Personally I find the 2 segments the most aesthetically appealing.
Comments welcome, thanks again!

(This comment references Entry #138)
15 years ago
conner - the little baby feet are adorable. I'm not quite ready to let go of the hand print idea, but the baby feet are really growing on me. by the way, i missed your comment above before - you're right it is elegant with the 2 different shades, but it just won't transfer well with the embroidery onto fabric... i can't quite decide if I like the b as a stalk yet....have to think about this a bit..... could we try #136 with the b not as stalks... also, just throwing out ideas here - would it be possible to maybe put a leaf/leaves framing the circle in#136 - keep the circle exactly as you have it but add leaves somehow outisde of that? this sounds difficult b/c i think it would look crowded and cluttered easily, but you might be able to pull it off... what do you think? thanks for the all the work on these!
15 years ago
man, you're knocking them out! i agree with you I do like the 2 segments instead of 3 - I think the 3 makes the b stick up a bit too high.....first impression of #138-#142 is too big, too much... i like the proportions on#136 best..... another idea, just thought of, on #136 instead of doing different bamboo segments - just a normal b but the top and bottom of the line in b make it curve out a bit like the knuckle in a stalk..... thanks again for working on these
15 years ago
Logo Designer
For this image, I want you to please look closely at the segments of bamboo in the text
and let me know if you enjoy the spacing.

(This comment references Entry #147)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
didn't get a chance to read your comments before i submitted 147, sorry about that!

Gonna do some re-workin

On #136
I'm going to see what I can do to incorporate the bamboo leaves around the circle, I attempted this very briefly this afternoon. I'll find someway to get it to work.

--- CPJ
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is squares with #136 proportions.
Very crisp, cute, and cutting edge.
Do we like the squares? If not I'll move on to focusing on circles

(This comment references Entry #148)
15 years ago
thanks for submitting again - i do like squares! i think some kind of border around #148's square would look nice like you did with the circle in #136.... could we try #136 and #146 with the font in #104 currently ranked #8 one without any bamboo segments in the b and one with 2 segments in the b..... thanks for working on these! looking forward to see if you can incorporate the bamboo leaves around the circle.... thanks again!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Heres some updates for you.
First of all, found a way to incorporate the leaves without it look like an after-thought or visual aftermath.
I think the 5 leaves look delicate and sleek. I will gladly add more if requested.

Second of all, I added a border on the square versions and included sanserif fonts for both circle and square concepts.

On your comment, I was a bit confused on the request....
"could we try #136 and #146 with the font in #104 currently ranked #8 one without any bamboo segments in the b and one with 2 segments in the b"
--- #104 is not one of my pieces, so unfortunately, I could not use the exact font requested. I think overall, i just needed some clarification of this sentence. Sorry for the trouble.

Please leave a comment when you get a chance,
Thanks again Heather.

--- CPJ

(This comment references Entry #193)
15 years ago
sorry about the confusion - i did not realize you could not use the exact font in #104 - i really like the leaves in #193 and #194 i'm leaning toward no segments in the b.... could we try in different fonts....these are awesome, thanks for the hard work
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I got some new fonts coming up for you heather,
Thick, Thin, All caps,

Are we interested in mainly sanserif fonts?
Any font genre suggestions would be helpful.

Thank you!

-- CPJ
15 years ago
Logo Designer
So here starts the font selections.
This one is my favorite of the bunch, the short stemmed subtle-bent-bamboo font.

Comments on the concepts are of course welcomed, thanks again for your time

(This comment references Entry #208 & #209 )
15 years ago
I agree - #209 is my favorite! One last thing - could we try it in all caps in that font? I like the all caps in #205 but the font in #209. thanks again, these are awesome!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Here's is the uppercase version of #209 's font, as requested.
Personally, I feel that the lowercase version is my first choice for the logo.
The font is cute, playful, yet professional. Overall an absolutely perfect fit.

If you feel that anything is missing in this concept,
please let me know,
my work is not done until you are fully satisfied.

-- CPJ
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hey I resubmitted the All Caps version, for some reason, it didn't go through earlier, sorry about the inconvenience.

Looking forward to your response

-- CPJ
15 years ago
you're right - caps is not as good - I really like #209. Like you said cute, playful and professional. I'll let you know if I think of anything to change, but right now I am happy. Thanks for working with me on these conner.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Sounds great!
It's been a pleasure Heather.
15 years ago
conner, just recieved a couple logos in a circle with the word bambucco in the circle as well.... i think it is an appealing look in general. I am asking people to work with that idea to see some new stuff. Anyway,would you try one using #209 and adding an extra border or something? let me know if this is confusing.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
adding an extra border?
little confused.

Are you trying to say that you'd like to see a piece with the name inside the circle with the original circle design of #209 ?

Or a border around the whole #209?

I'll attempt both regardless!

-- CPJ
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Here's some square and circle boarder concepts for you Heather!
Starting with my personal favorite of the bunch....

(This comment references Entry #239)
15 years ago
nice work! so not sure which is the favorite of the new batch - could we try #239 as is but with the feet staggered? Also could we try #239 but with interior white and feet and bambucco in green? thanks, these are great.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Glad your enjoying them.
Defintely a great idea on inverting the colors on #239.
on my way with staggering!

thanks in advance
--- CPJ
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Here you go.
You know the drill... :)

-- CPJ

(This comment references Entry #248)
15 years ago
these are so awesome - you are really making this difficult! so, i've been looking at fonts - could we try TALL PAUL font or something like in #249? thanks again.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
going to throw some font combos on #249 for ya.

just give me a few moments....

-- CPJ
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Here ya go heather, various font samples including tall pall, and similar looking fonts.
I included an updated version of the original font choice. I spaced the feet to feel more even on both sides, yet still staggered as requested.

Hope to hear from you soon,

(This comment references Entry #275)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is some rectangular concepts I just pieced together.
Rather fond of this font choice and the simplicity of one foot.
Other concepts to browse through as well...

-- CPJ

(This comment references Entry #288)
15 years ago
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