Ballroom Dance CharlestonLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Ballroom Dance Charleston Ballroom Dance Charleston has selected their winning logo design. For $375 they received 68 designs from 14 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Logo Design Brief Edit Client plevi United States What We Do Teach ballroom dance Industry Miscellaneous Color Preferences All colors are acceptable Orange is least favorable Themes Refined Entries Order by Ranking Entry Number Order by Ranking Entry Number 1st SNgraphics Withdrawn 2nd Vea Withdrawn 3rd Baco Withdrawn 4th jjbq Withdrawn 5th jekson Withdrawn 6th piraka Withdrawn 7th EnzoBluebird Withdrawn 8th JSN Withdrawn 9th suke 10th lotus creative Withdrawn New Water Lily Withdrawn New Water Lily Withdrawn Prefers others. BusinessBuilders Withdrawn Prefers others. BusinessBuilders Withdrawn Prefers others. piraka Withdrawn Prefers others. Baco Withdrawn Prefers others. Vea Withdrawn Prefers others. Vea Withdrawn Prefers others. BusinessBuilders Withdrawn Prefers others. BusinessBuilders Withdrawn Prefers others. piraka Withdrawn Prefers others. piraka Withdrawn Prefers others. Iris Withdrawn Prefers others. Iris Withdrawn Prefers others. Iris Withdrawn Prefers others. suke Withdrawn Prefers others. jekson Withdrawn Prefers others. jekson Withdrawn Prefers others. jekson Withdrawn Prefers others. jekson Withdrawn Prefers others. piraka Withdrawn Prefers others. piraka Withdrawn Prefers others. EnzoBluebird Withdrawn Prefers others. EnzoBluebird Withdrawn Prefers others. EnzoBluebird Withdrawn Prefers others. Iris Withdrawn Prefers others. Iris Withdrawn Prefers others. Iris Withdrawn Prefers others. SNgraphics Withdrawn Prefers others. SNgraphics Withdrawn Prefers others. SNgraphics Withdrawn Prefers others. SNgraphics Withdrawn Prefers others. SNgraphics Withdrawn Prefers others. SNgraphics Withdrawn Prefers others. Iris Withdrawn Prefers others. Iris Withdrawn Prefers others. SNgraphics Withdrawn Prefers others. SNgraphics Withdrawn Prefers others. Iris Withdrawn Prefers others. Iris Withdrawn Prefers others. JSN Withdrawn Prefers others. Vea Withdrawn Prefers others. Vea Withdrawn Prefers others. Vea Withdrawn Prefers others. EnzoBluebird Withdrawn Prefers others. JSN Withdrawn Prefers others. JSN Withdrawn Prefers others. jjbq Withdrawn Prefers others. jjbq Withdrawn Prefers others. jjbq 1 2 1 2 Next > Discussion plevi Client Hello and thank you for considering designing for us. We are looking for a logo to begin our next 25 yrs. This logo will be featured in gobo lighting and at charity events as well as in traditional places as print, web based etc. We want to portray a love of dancing and the joy , elegance and yes-discipline required to be a good social ballroom dancer. We have a children's program that we are growing. We emphasize the health, social and mental benefits of dancing. We have large elegant balls and noisy, high energy latin dance parties.The best logo for us will be one that we can change the background color for different type of events without affecting the visibility of the major image. We would like our winner to provide a psd file with layers to allow us to do so.If I can provide any answers please let me know. 10 years ago