I really like what you have done so far, definitely my favorites. Are you able to play with having the two BB's and the words overlap one another. Not sure if it can be done and still look good but just curious about how it might look. Just want to play around a bit and explore all options. Thanks!
#7 can you work at lightening this one up for an option, see #19..just with regards to the B symbol...the more I think about it the black makes it very heavy and given we are a healing center making it a bit lighter might be better...also would still like to see two variations one with the color scheme as is and one with green instead of red. Thanks!
#53 It looks a lot better with the new colors. I am leaning a bit more towards logos like the two that are ranked one and two right now. Incorporating a person, balance and flow, with still a professional look. If you can design something along those lines that would be great, as I feel I would really like it. One more comment would be to have the words line up like the first ranked one right now. Thanks!