What We Do
Baker & O'Brien is an independent professional consulting firm specializing in technology, economics, and management practice for the international oil, gas, chemical, and related industries.
Color Preferences
Our primary color burgundy (R=154, G=36, B=62). Aceent colors, Navy/dark blue. Additional colors to enhance (silver, grey, black, white).
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Anything that emphasizes 20 years (1993-2013) our name Baker & O'Brien, inc. in a visually appealing way. Something that would reflect the style of a law firm. Very polished, clean, and sleek. You may look at our website for style or greater understanding of our company. Please note that the website does not reflect our updated colors. www.bakerobrien.com
Our current logo is on the website for reference. We do not want to duplicate or overlap these two separate logos.