The idea behind the logo is came from the idea behind “Baked in Burlington” itself, "it is pulling everything of interest for a defined demographic into one place" (showed by the arrows from 4 directions point to one spot)
Hi - we really like conceptually what you have done. We were wondering if it would be possible to try the logo (#8, for example) with a straighter edge on the back of each 'B', so that it clearly looks like back to back b's and not just 4 circles. Also, we liked how #18 actually brought Vermont into the design - maybe we could layer the logo over a map and have all the arrows meeting at Burlington? Just a thought.
Hi - we have selected one of your designs as a winner. We have a couple of requests. Could you please include #55/57, and also could you provide a version of #53 with the updated logo? Finally, if possible we would like a version of #53 with the "Baked in Burlington" wrapped around the state - "Baked in" on the top half, and "Burlington" on the bottom half. My email is - please feel free to write with any questions. Thanks