Hi, here are my first entries. I've created a unique signature style icon for you which contains a stylized B and L within it. THe reason for the signature is to underpin the fact that you a name to trust, you are distinguished and confident you can deliver for your clients. It's also unique to you and stays away from the clichés you wanted to avoid. The design as a whole is sophisticated and classic and would sit well on stationery as requested. Used a strong navy blue and grey coloring to keep it professional. Please let me know if you'd like any changes. Thanks. BMF
I really like the signature style icon, but I don't think it reads well with BAIRD right beside it. Can you try and incorporate it more. I don't know, maybe even as a watermark. (?). Or, maybe incorporate it so that the "AIRD" is beside the signature B and the "aw Offices" is beside the L.
As a follow up to my last comment, maybe make the BL prominent in the center and Baird Law Offices LLC as the watermark (or lighter and in the background)..
Hi Amanda, new designs following your message. I've amended the layout as requested and also given you a few different font options. As for files being supplied. If I win, I'll be happy to send you any different versions of the logo you might require - I do this for all my clients, so it wouldn't be a problem.
Hi, alternative attached following your comments. I don't want to replicate exactly the style of the other designer, so instead have developed it my own way - the BL integrate with the name and line by having it look like part of it is written behind the name and the B part of the initial is coming out to the foreground of the logo, over lapping the line. It emphasizes the B initial in the icon. Let me know if there's anything else I can do. Thanks. BMF