on entry 212 can you please make the home design center bigger. also could you show me the bg in chocolate brown and the home design center in teal/turquoise. We are still undecided about what colors to use.
I like this one also---i am looking for something original ---also, not sure what colors to use----can you look at Holiday Inn's new lime green and blue logo----and show me those colors also----one of the main places we will use this is on our sign outside our store, so we need to make sure it is very easy to see and read while driving by.
sorry for the delay---thought I sent through a response, but guess it did not send. Wanting to see if you could show me the house on my first choice in the teal color and make the home design center lettering a little bigger----up to the g. Still not sure about the colors--do you have any suggestions to go with the brown?
Hi, I have uploaded two designs with bigger 'Home Design Center' and in teal color.
As far as the color goes, in my opinion brown will be good since You will be using the logo in sign also. And I think it can be identified from distance and in speed.
Can you tell me the difference between these last 2 designs? I like the enlargement of the home design center lettering, but was really looking for the BG to be in the brown with the house only to be changed to the teal color-----the home design center lettering to also be in the teal.
i definitely like the teal of 260 and the brown of 261-----just need to make my final decision of the placement and size of the home design center---again, I am using this on a sign, tshirts, letterhead and such---I kind of like the lettering at the bottem better, but am not sure if it will show up.
yes, Your concern is right. If you chose the layout of #260 then it is obvious that using the design in small version will toughen to understand the wording "Home design Center".
I have uploaded 2 new revisions based on the color choice and layout: #266 & #268
Please feel free to ask for any further revisions to make it more appropriate as per your thoughts.
thanks, I just do not have enough time to work on this----i think I like best my 1st ranking----however, can the home design center be any larger? I definitely did not like the revisions with the blue in the house and lettering---I like having the lettering a different color.
I am ready to select my #1 rank, however I am still not sure of the colors-----After I make my selection can I still tweak the colors with you if need? When I look at the colors on my computer I like them, but when I print them out they are not exactly what I want----- Please let me know if I am allowed to contact you after the contest