B&B Management LabsLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / B&B Management Labs B&B Management Labs has selected their winning logo design. For $350 they received 191 designs from 38 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by cinchmedia Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn 2nd #79 Withdrawn 6th #20 Withdrawn New #80 Withdrawn New #82 Withdrawn New #78 New #137 Withdrawn New #81 Withdrawn New #107 Withdrawn Prefers others. #140 Withdrawn Prefers others. #139 Withdrawn Prefers others. #108 Discussion cinchmedia Logo Designer If there are improvements you would like me to do on the logo, please let me know. This logo will work well in both print and web. 15 years ago rdbagley Client We like this, clearly. A couple of thouhts. It is an "old" pen... Is there anything that can be done to modernize it? And second, can the pen continue out of the block, perhaps, as a solid? This would take the emphasis away from the tip and create the whole pen...Any variations on this logo would be appreicated. You are in the lead with us, as you can see, but I'm not emotionally "there' yet with this one. 15 years ago cinchmedia Logo Designer Thank You for your feedback! I will be able to put some more together tomorrow! 15 years ago cinchmedia Logo Designer First Revision.... more to come! Thanks!(This comment references Entry #78) 15 years ago cinchmedia Logo Designer Please give feedback on color, font, etc.... so I can get this to your specifications. Thank You! 15 years ago cinchmedia Logo Designer I would like to put together a few more designs for your consideration. Can you please tell me which elements of my designs you would like me to combine or add to, so that I can get the design perfected! Thanks! 15 years ago