Could you add some metallic reference? Maybe the red part is cutting through... If you look at metal punching, or laser cutting and make it visible here, i think would be interesting to incorporate.
I like where you are going with #184, but doesn't quite hit the sweet spot. Could you play around with the cutting concept and forget the pyramid in a couple of examples?
We really like your designs and we would like to have you in the final 5. We like your creativity and your style.
Here are some comments specially for your designs: - Could you try using a bit more color in your designs, the look too gray. - Maybe a more abstract pyramid - also try using different fonts
#50 (mono version is #82) and #164 are the best option for you. #50 could be used with national colors or without them, black/white and on different surfaces. The shadow under the curved shape could be dropped depending where it will be used. It's clean, modern and reflects what you guys do – you deal with steel sheets transformations. Moreover, it's stylize as A – the first letter of your company. Same thing with #164 – entry has connection with a Aztec theme and has a steel-sheet reference. They are abstract.
First of all, I'd like to say that I submitted 30 (!) designs and variations to your contest based on your Brief, comments and requests. I recommend you to consult with other members of the team/company in order to pick the best logo for your business so you won't regret about it in the future. Branding is everything.