What We Do
I provide technical communications expertise to create technical documents, online help systems, proposals, reports, and help my clients understand how to best manage their documentation content.
Color Preferences
I am still deciding on branding, so do not have a color set and would appreciate this logo setting the foundation for that. I'd like a color that is a fun twist on a more traditional color (e.g., teal instead of green, orange instead of red). Because I think most of my clients will be rooted in IT and other non-creative industries, I don't want to use traditional red/blue (used too often in consulting around here), but also want to avoid anything too "cutesy" like pink/purple.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
"Ayeti" is literally "A yeti," the mythological creature of Nepal. If possible, I'd like to have a logo of a yeti (full or just the face) juxtaposed with something that conveys organization and writing as key skills of my consulting business (e.g., a yeti with glasses and a pen and paper or a yeti at a laptop or some other yeti/writing combo). Simple silhouette or outline drawing, fun but not cartoonish. I prefer sans-serif fonts for a clean and modern feel. Since this logo will set up branding, I'd appreciate a font that I can easily download or one that is easily compatible with readily-available PC fonts.