Can you give me a description on how you feel your design represents Avenue Bridge and our mission based on the feedback I have given. I love the design. I think its very smart, but I would like to get your perspective on what you believe it says to the customer.
Big Ball -> simplify of power Small Balls -> focused on services
Big Company, Innovative, Powerful, that give the many avenues about services to small & med company that makes more focused on cost benefits and services to simplify existing process's.
To me it says something more significant to Avenue Brides purpose. We are a consortium, a group of small and mid sized companies banding together to make one larger entity. Your logo looks as though the small spheres are the small companies coming into the larger sphere, Avenue Bridge. I like this. Can you make a slight addition. I would like to see more of the small spheres almost like a stream of them coming in. See if you can give me a couple samples with the stream wrapping behind the large sphere and coming from ever directions you think are best. Also can you center the large sphere above the lettering.