Hi there, I've submitted my entry #40 with a unique house inside the globe...As you can see that letter "A" as the roof covering the house...I've given colors to the text according to the logo color scheme...A professional & corporate looking logo which can easily be use for web, prints etc...Hope you like that...Kindly let me know if you need any changes.
i do like the 3d enhancement - although it took me a while to see it... :-)
you jumped to the top of the list and then when i looked at your portfolio on here, i see a similar logo for a winning company. we may not be in the same area, but my concern is that the more logos with similar icons, the more it looks like we went to a clipart book and picked a variation - so we like it, but not pumped that there is a winning entry with similar icon... will have to ponder...
Hi avenueb, As you know there are many corporate logos that somehow matches slightly with each other..There are few basic ideas, shapes & few famous colors which you can count on your finger tip...But I'm frankly telling you that this logo really made for your company..Because that amazingly matches(360ยบ) with all of your company requirements..I putted a different type of house with a unique "A" symbol as a roof & colors are placed like text so thats totally differentiates your logo from others..That house, colors, feels & fonts are very different from those winning logos..I always prefer to choose what you like..As you know that every one is repeating same realty layouts with minor adjustments with houses & styles but it doesn't mean that they matches 100%..I'm confident about that design that it'll not gonna poke you, believe me..Hope you understand what I mean. :)
but if you need to change that style then I can do that...I'll play with the same house in different styles & layouts.
Hi again, I've submitted #78 as a revised version of #46...Its a different style, Which is different from those winning logos...That is more balanced than before.Sphere & Texts are surrounded with a stylish arc & lines..Hope you like that logo too..Kindly let me know if you need any changes in that.
I like #78. However, I think I prefer the blue the blue in #46 when compared to the blue in #78. The house in #78 looks like a dog house to me. Don't get me wrong . . . We love dogs. We have (4) of them. I appreciate your hard work and I am glad you are participating in the contest. ...BRYAN
Hi Bryan, Thanks for the feedback...Okay I'll definitely make changes in #78..Its alright bryan I didn't get your words wrong, as that was your suggestion which I'll follow carefully...Thanks for appreciating my works & thanks for the encouragement...I'll try my best to provide you more professional designs.Thanks!