i like this a lot...there's something feminine about it with the soft lines and the colors are feminine without being the traditional pink color, and strike me as very powerful, being in action. I also really like the subtle, you're not sure what it is, design...and there's a lot in this! There's a lightbulb image (have "the lightbulb go on"); there are the wing-like designs on either side (freedom, take flight once you are grounded in your body); and the "wings" also look like swirls that are taking the elements that women parcel out to others, and "sweeping" them back inward; and the dot at the bottom can be seen many ways...1) it looks like part of the female genitalia 2) it could represent "coming back to center"....and overall, when I look at this avatar, it brings me joy and lightness.
one thing, just out of curiosity, could you keep the "wings" and play around with some other images for the center?
Hi, thank you very much for the ranking and exactly understanding the concept. I want to land on a design which exactly matches with your wonderful personality. I am working on this and will present you some modified version with out loss of this concept. Thank you. Mithuna.
how funny! i just saw your two comments! i'm just getting used to how logo tourney works. thanks for the second concept AND i really really like the first one! it is still my #1. i like it better b/c it's more abstract than the second one...the second one - i believe you meant this - looks like hair with a flower in it...the first one is more abstract, mysterious and powerful in its abstraction, if you know what i mean...if you have any other ideas, great but i'm really liking the first one.
i was just in india last may to do a dental mission for children...delhi was 118 degrees and i was just dying!!! then we went to Ladahk (sp?) to do the dental work...so amazing..everyone was so appreciative. we went to Rajasthan too...what an amazing place! so romantic...i even got invited to dance with some worshippers at a hindu temple...my most treasured memory. i love india, esp since it reminds me of saudi arabia in a sense (many indian people worked there), where i was born and raised as an expat.