#1 Great start - tanks. Could you try the logo part to the left of the text. The logo may have to be used alongside another logo which is rectangualr in shape, however at this stage in the contest all ideas are welcome
#2 I think you have really captured a good simple logo but with a very strong connection. Two alternatives on #2 if I might ask 1) to see what the text would look like in a font with CAPITAL letters but keeping the height of all characters as-is 2) to try a colour variation to the green (the green in the logo looks fine but the green on safety seems to fade into white a little - it may be just the resolution on my screen though)
#3 I think the logo is more cluttered then in #2 which has a definite simplicity and strong message. Although #3 does look more like a steering wheel but it isnt quite as subtle as #2
#6 and #8 colour looks more pronounced than #9 amd #10 certainly on my resolution screen which may not be as high quality as yours I would appreciate your view as to which is better from a visibility/design point of view between #6 and #8, as to my eye I cannot dee that much difference, but somehow #8 seems to get my attention visibly a little better ?