Clean two-color logo. Custom script typeface (my hand-writing) combined with an elegant contemporary sans-serif font. A clean logo shows your legitimacy while the custom type treatment exemplifies the authenticity that you offer your clients. Thanks for the contest, good luck on your venture....
Subtle change to previous logo... the color bar gives your company name more weight and focus while the subtle fade keeps it light, reflecting the smoothness and light-movement of the custom 'autograph'
Slightly different approach... inspired by music this logo features a wood-grained guitar pick. Gives your audience an even more in-depth visual and creates an 'experience' for them to hopefully buy into your venture. I would love to hear your opinion/critique thus far....
I was thinking a little about your venture while at work today, and I thought of something I would like to share with you. After designing around the picks I thought that these could serve as great marketing materials, think of them kind of as a business card in the way. I was thinking that you could have some actual picks made with your logo on the front and maybe some information, like your website, listed on the back of the guitar pick. These could then me given out as marketing materials and hopefully get your companies name out to musicians that already have a connection with your venture. This would work with any logo, I'm not just saying mine, or not concluding that you are going with mine.... I was just brainstorming and wanted to share with you!
Thanks for the crit. Katrine! I'm not going to resubmit all the designs for a little leading but I will remember that if the client does pick one of them as a final. Again, thanks for your input... sometimes it's hard to notice the small things like that when you've been looking at it for three days.