Hey Bellido, thanks for entering my contest. Very cool logo designs.
You definately caught on to a direction that is picking up steam for me, that is to have the entire logo encased in some solid shape.
I call it a "Stamp".
I'd love it if you played with that idea some more with other shapes, textures, or dimensions.
Also, please try using my old "Hi-Tech" logo lettering within a "Stamp" that also includes all of the other required wording. The tag line could be detatched (below it or something), but the more that it all looks like one "stamp" the better.
I really like Entry #23 because it is clean, simple, and has some punch. But I don't think that the lettering (fonte) is the best fit for me. It's a bit to "designer" or "luxury" looking for me. Does that make sense?
Thanks so much and I'll get back with you further later when I get some more time for better feedback.
Please send me some more of your work! You definatley have some of the same thoughts that I do concerning design direction.
Hope to hear from you soon,