This one has the addition of the dog sled, and I moved the text around to balance it. I wanted to do a modern, clean look that was easy to read and interesting with detail in the sled team and the aurora. If you would like to see different fonts, colors..anything at all, please let me know.
I changed the green to a brighter one on these latest entires. I also tried to keep the aurora bright while looking transparent, to capture some of that beauty.
I wanted to do a variation on these two with a more transparent aurora. It's a bit less bright at the top which makes a nice contrast against the brighter greens and adds to the veiled look.
If you would like to see any changes, this aurora used on one of the others or anything at all, please let me know.
I removed some of my designs with the emblem look and the text on the lower third as they started looking too similar to another design. I'll be submitting some variations on the square design so you can see how those look as an option.