Aurora Borealis AdventuresLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Aurora Borealis Adventures

Aurora Borealis Adventures has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 57 designs from 8 different designers from around the world.


















Prefers others.


Very nice logos, especially the ones we ranked 1 and 2. The only thing we would like you to change is to put an s in adventures on number 1.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for your feedback, when I saw the description of the contest, I immediately had the idea, so I made several variations of classic and modern style. It is not a problem to do any combination and any suggestions is great, best regards, Steve
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Sorry for letter mistake, here come version with "S", hope you like it, cheers, Steve

(This comment references Entry #5)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I`ll withdraw incorrect version on 1st place, regards, Steve
15 years ago
Hi again Steve!
We still really like your logo ranked nr 1 but would it be possible to make the same, but with the more "living" Northern light, you have in nr 3? Its a little more blur and gives a feeling of movement.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Added blur to Aurora and little color changes, regards Steve

(This comment references Entry #10)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
...and added more "depth of field" look with shadows and some color correction, hope you like it, appreciate any suggestion, regards Steve

(This comment references Entry #11)
15 years ago
Hi Steve!
I just realised that Experience is spelt wrong on the logos? The logo is so good we didnt see that until now.

Have a nice weekend!

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Ups, sorry, now I saw, my apologies, I will change it, regards
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Donald, I made correction to word "Experience".... nice weekend to you also regards, Steve

(This comment references Entry #12)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Here it is...Some redesign of round logo added shadows and polished fonts, regards, Steve

(This comment references Entry #39)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Donald,

I`m open for suggestion like before of course if you have, regards, Steve
15 years ago
Logo Designer
...and little revision, changed font color from gradient to mono color, and small changes in composition.

(This comment references Entry #49)
15 years ago
Hi Steve!
If you can move Real wild experiences to the top like the one ranked number 2 then you latest logo will win

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Donald,
I am surprised with your decision, you know that we will not be a problem to do the editing. Thanks for everything and I hope that we will cooperate in the future, regards Steve
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Here it is, revision of rounded text, hope u like it...

(This comment references Entry #55)
15 years ago
Thanks a lot. We extended the contest with 2 days but it was just so you should have some more time. It look really great. Thanks
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Donald,
Thank you for your comment, I`m glad that you like my work and design, I have to inform you that there is no need to renew contest because the designer who first has the right to appoint and work at the end contest. Of course this is not a problem I can still work on some little detail, if the need be, you may decide, all the best, Steve
15 years ago
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