Aurelian ®Logo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Aurelian ®

Aurelian ® has selected their winning logo design.

For $285 they received 123 designs from 19 different designers from around the world.


























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Logo Designer
Many elements included to create the design. both negative and positive space has been used effectively.
Images have been combined to form a knot puzzle that upon a 2nd 3rd and 4th look you will find something new everytime you look at it. The design also works as an expandable design, meaning it can be transformed into a few different forms.
14 years ago
[all comments apply to entry #32]
Hi Glendon....
Thanks for you unique and refined entry, and WELCOME to our logo contest!!!!

I briefly saw the entry this afternoon, but was tied up in meetings all day and had a dinner engagement. Since I wanted to thoroughly "STARE" at the design, I put off submitting feedback or rankings until I had a chance to bounce my head around your work. It took two of us several 'stares' and we still did not see the tulip until my third or fourth 'look' I had to point it out to my co-owner several times... In summary, your one entry summarized what I believe we were trying to accomplish with the original brief, if only we could visualize it as well as you did. Can we assume that this a purely original design assembled line by line? I can't imagine any components of this were ever used elsewhere or could be.

Second, we like the idea of the expanding feature of the logo. In particular since we have wanted to see different shapes. Here's our enhancement requests: A) can you expand the design into a rectangle (aspect ratio 1x by 2x), both upright vertical and B) rectangle (aspect ratio 1x by 2x) horizontal. C) Please also expand the design into a square or Diamond D) Can you post a version of one or two of the rectangles with the letter 'A' in a century schoolbook or similar interwoven into a portion that is perhaps repeated. E) Can we see a version or two of the above and entry #32 where the pattern is rotated 45 degrees.

Thanks again for interjecting some new excitement and fresh interpretations!

14 years ago
Hello Glendon,

[applies to entries #58 #59 #60 #61 and #62]
We're excited with the expansion we're seeing so far in the square/diamond design and can't wait to see the design grow into a rectangle with the interwoven 'A'. Thanks for posting entries #58 and #59 which makes it much easier to see the detail... we'll rank these lower only as they are working drafts.

We really don't have any actionable feedback except to say we are probably leaning towards a rectangle shape, as described earlier... while we love the detail of the square / diamond, the shape looked too much "like a tile". I think we will be sticking with either the circle emblem or more likely a rectangle with the interwoven A.

Thanks, Marc.
14 years ago
Hi Glendon,

[applies to entry #70] While the design is excellent, we think it may overstate the 'A' more than we like, and also gives up complexity to do so.

Our preference is to leave the complexity and detailed design in, and grow / expand the pattern from square out to rectangle shape and aspect ratio you have, then simply remove a small space for one 'A', perhaps in the left side. The 'A' should be less obvious than currently in entry #70, perhaps slightly blending in with the puzzle/lattice work but not completely. I think we miscommunicated when I said 'prominent' and I'm sorry for that. The area with the letter 'A' should be one quarter to one third (max) of the entire design, meaning that at least two thirds should stand on its own as a full lattice/filigree/puzzle design. In my mind, I see the original design in entries #61 growing out and doubling, then some pieces removed to delicately fit in an 'A' that is facing the viewer upright, regardless of the orientation of the rectangle, and the 'A' should be about one half to two thirds the height of the rectangle to allow room for the other patterns to close in around it. One version of the 'A' could be woven tightly in and another a little looser, or perhaps not fully connected.

I hope the above gives a clearer understanding of what we have in mind, and am sorry for miscommunicating.


14 years ago
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