We like your logos but have to admint a couple were very puzzling to us. I don't know if there was a screen but three of the designs #63 #64 #65 and #68 seemed hazed over.... harder to see at lest on logotournament. Not sure if we fully comprehend entry #66... are ther hidden design elements from our brief that are deconstructed there?
Of your entries, we prefer #69. We like your stylyzed 'A'. Our general feedback is that the design, while elegent and refined, is lacking in complexity and looks more like a very good corporate logo and we would like to see more complexity including some design elements or deconstructed design elements per the brief.
complexity is not tghe way to go a complex log design will not print well wen scaled down such as business cards and letter head or smaller...
and thank you for taking for leaving feedback and reviewing my work...#69 is my fav of all the deisngs that have been submitted...though I am not sure if I agree about the corporate feel. So I will leave it as is....
I prefer to give CH's (contest holder) options rather than doing the same olesaqme ole same ole design that everyione else is doing...