I like the font and positioning of both "Audio To Go" and "DJ Entertainment" so don't change that. It looks VERY CLASSY just the way it is.
The ONLY thing we need to work on is the symbol.
I love the STAR and the way it looks like a star from HollyWood's Walk Of Fame. However, I don't like the headphones the way they are. It looks a bit cheesy. What else could we do with the star? Keep the star, but do soemthing else with it. We need something else on it to say what we do.
I am REALLY looking forward to seeing your next idea for thsi concept! Thank you for your thoughts.
I really don't like the speaker because that just says "hey these guys play music"
I don't want to portray that image.
We want the logo to represent the high class MC Service that we provide rather than a logo that says - ah look these guys play music.
When we hire a new DJ/MC (Entertainer) they do not get to do a show on their own for over a year.
First, we train them to start out by just playing music at the events. Once they work with us 6-12 months we determine if they even have the potential to become a great Master of Ceremonies. If they do, then we recruit them into our 20 Week MC Training Class where we teach them everything from Bridal Party Introductions, various dances and how to lead them, voice techniques, music programming, music history, plus key elements to creating a successful party. They then get to do their own events once they graduate our training program.
What if you just put some writing inside the star?
Not sure of what but something?
IF these were business cards I coudl put the individual MCs name in the star but as a generic company logo I'm not sure what could go in there. hmmm any thoughts?
G'day djmirage, I've added a dynamic swoosh to the star, hope it's more along the lines of what you're looking for. Thanks for being very detailed in what you want, it really helps.
The last two entries are definitely a lot better but it still doesn't say what we do, just by looking at the star alone. I know that this is a hard task, but thanks for trying so hard.
Is that a CD above the swoosh? because a symbol of a CD or even a record or anything like that is outdated.
Unless we were playing with vinyl records in a club scene (which we don't do anymore) the record isn't a good symbol of what we do. A symbol of a cd is even outdated. We run all of our music on a computer, but at some point that will even be outdated. Those are all tools of the trade and they all say, "hey we play music"
I am trying to get away from that feeling of "hey these guys play music" and go toward a different feel of "wow these guys actually entertain and get the party going" "they have professionally trained MCs and they do WAY MORE than just play music"
That is the feeling I am trying to get acorss. I can tell you are thinking about this and I thank you for that. :-)