ro-k as they are these are not going to work, but the ideas are solid. Things we could see changing?? Keep "AUBURN SOUTH" in same font size and family. The word "FAIR" or "School Fair" could hang - but "south fair" shouldn't be grouped. The string on the right obscures the N so it doesn't read in that font ... less Bauhaus on the font.
Australia has lots of parrots ... thanks for your effort, these aren't gonna work, but keep trying please!!
All ideas are great... thanks. Can we keep Auburn South together as that is the name of the school - Fair can be separated. Also inconjunction with the carival / party theme can community and or children be included. The brightness is spot on... Thanks
Thanks for all this work - The red and white awing is a good idea, but feels like a pizzaria.
I placed #24 up there, as it was a nice evolution from #5 - and could work ... has a nice feel to it - hard to say what I'd recommend ... will think on this, what about something that "places" the idea in Australia, a kangaroo, a koala, a kookaburra? Cockatoo ...
it feels too "generic" as is ... but great upgrade from the last ...
#24 has gotten some rave feedback from the group - an attempt to rate it # 1 was turned down on account of you not having enough experience or something ... what is up with that?
ASPS Hi, I have joined LT just a week ago, that is why I`m not yet ranked. I am an experienced designer in argentina working since 1997 non stop. There is allways a first time wining i think...hope you trust in what you see. Any other change just let me know, or send me a private message and I can show you some other work. Thanks again.!!!! Ro-K