Just want to check if you already sees files.
If there is a problem hope you can contact me asap.
Otherwise really appreciate if you can approve as well. https://help.logotournament.com/article/175-how-to-approve-your-final-files
Click My Contest. Please go to the "Files" Tab and click the "Approve Final Files" link.
Really appreciate if you could do that asap, so LT will released prize / payment for me..
Thanks for picking my design as a winner :)
I just send final logo via LT site that you can download right away. https://logotournament.com/help/client/42
Since LT only provide only winning design only, so please download and approve the winning files (92) first, than i will send the other variations (203 and 206 version) separatedly.
Please approve the files by doing this step.
Go to the "Files" Tab and click the "Approve Final Files" link. Really appreciate if you could do that asap. This step will release the prize to my account. https://help.logotournament.com/article/175-how-to-approve-your-final-files
Hope everything are ok.
If you don't mind, hope you can make some review of my works in LT site, i'd really appreciate it.
Should there be any project in the future don't hesitate to contact me. Hope i can help.
Here are solutions for you. Please choose 92 as a winner, than after you download and approve the 92 files, i will send 203 and 206 to your email asap.
I appreciate the new variations you've supplied so far. For example, 203 and 206 are good alternatives.
I still have to check with others in the association if any of your alternatives should substitute 92. If we end up preferring one of your alternatives over 92, must we make that decision before the end of the contest?
If you interested in couple of my variations, you can choose one as winner, than i will send the other variations separately after you download and approve the winner files first.
Hope this help.
Thanks for WWS for your quick reply. If we request changes is it possible to continue comparing your previous logos or are they discarded? I ask in case we might like your previous iterations more.
Comment Activity
If there is a problem hope you can contact me asap.
Otherwise really appreciate if you can approve as well.
Click My Contest. Please go to the "Files" Tab and click the "Approve Final Files" link.
Really appreciate if you could do that asap, so LT will released prize / payment for me..
Thanks for picking my design as a winner :)
I just send final logo via LT site that you can download right away.
Since LT only provide only winning design only, so please download and approve the winning files (92) first, than i will send the other variations (203 and 206 version) separatedly.
Please approve the files by doing this step.
Go to the "Files" Tab and click the "Approve Final Files" link. Really appreciate if you could do that asap. This step will release the prize to my account.
Hope everything are ok.
If you don't mind, hope you can make some review of my works in LT site, i'd really appreciate it.
Should there be any project in the future don't hesitate to contact me. Hope i can help.
I still have to check with others in the association if any of your alternatives should substitute 92. If we end up preferring one of your alternatives over 92, must we make that decision before the end of the contest?
Should there be any revision, please reply this message.
Hope this help.
Any update with the contest ?
Should there be any revision, please reply this message.