Hi, I've gone for combining a camera lens with an artists palate and brush - I kept the logo black and white as looking at your web page the images are very bright and colourful, the simple black and white logo will look really slick and stylish combined with your images. The symbol can also stand alone as a watermark on your prints perhaps.
#1 is a great place to start. I like that it shows both paint and camera "lens". The lighting effect also makes it look like a drop of resin, which most of our new pieces are coated in. Wondering if the palate and brush are a little too common/plain. Would be nice to see a couple different fonts and maybe a bit of colour.
After all the work... I really like the very first entry ( example: #1 )! I am just looking for a little colour.... base colours either on the pallet and tip of the brush or scribbled behind the logo itself. I have also been told that I may have a problem on some reproduction with "gradient fill". I hear the reflective quality of the image can be hard to reproduce on some media (such as t-shirts). Do you know anything about this?
Forgot.... I am thinking the logo (as is) would work great for when it is applied over or around color images (as you suggested in your first note).... I am thinking adding the colour more for where there may not be any other... such as for letter head , or a stand alone logo on promotional material where it may just be on large amounts of white background. I don't want it to blend in in these situations. I am hoping I can get a copy of it in both forms (with and without).
With regard to gradients, on certain applications like T-shirts as you mention gradients arent practical. I would be happy supply both the gradient version and a flat version. Also various colour backgrounds are not a problem.
I'll upload a few ideas and we can take it from there.