Entry #11 This our preferred design out of the four you've submitted, we'd prefer to see the Art Supplies wording a little larger. Entry #12 Would like to see the lettering darker, though we understand you're making the easel stand out more. Entry #13 We like this design but don't like the addition of the other colours. Entry #10 We'd like to steer away from palettes
#29 We like this design but would like to see the Font of Atelier as dark as the font in your first two examples. And use the same font as the first two for the words of Art Supplies. We'd also like to see black in the background of the A on the easel just as a comparison with your one with yellow in the back ground. #23 and #11 we really like these design still but concerned about the L and the I getting lost as part of the word.
#28 We're still really quite keen on this design, but would like to see the dots graded from dark grey to light or from dark yellow to light yellow. Also if the Art Supplies underneath could be made a little bit darker. We would also like to see the colours Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Indigo, Blue, Violet as the colours of the dots as a comparison.
#51 We like this entry but would like to see the symbol at the beginning of Atelier and then the Art Supplies underneath perhaps with the size font used in #26 but darker than the grey that you have used.
#50 Could the letter in the middle of the easel be black with the yellow back ground and then shift the easel to the beginning of Atelier and Art Supplies underneath. We would also like to see the wording of Art Supplies a bit darker as we like the size of the font, just needs to stand out a bit more.
#53 like this design but would prefer the Art Supplies font to be larger to look exactly the same as #23 including the lighter colour of font. #73 Shift the Art Supplies font to in in the middle underneath Atelier #72 shift the Art Supplies font to be in the middle underneath Atelier #72 would like to see a different A inside the yellow background
#91 we would like to see the word Atelier in this design be the same colour as the grey used in the easel in #92 #97 would like to see the easel as the same grey as that used in #92 but leaving the picture of A exactly as it is #97 as separate design from the one mentioned above change the colour of the A to white and the the easel colour & the word Atelier the same colour as that of the easel in #92