Assured Business & Wealth Advisors Pty. Ltd.Logo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Assured Business & Wealth Advisors Pty. Ltd. Assured Business & Wealth Advisors Pty. Ltd. has selected their winning logo design. For $375 they received 107 designs from 20 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by RayC - SLC Return to Contest Return to Contest 1st #103 Withdrawn 4th #105 Withdrawn 5th #102 Withdrawn 6th #106 Withdrawn 7th #104 Withdrawn 8th #107 Withdrawn 9th #101 Withdrawn 10th #77 Withdrawn New #78 Withdrawn New #66 Withdrawn New #51 Withdrawn New #37 Withdrawn New #65 Withdrawn New #41 Withdrawn New #36 Withdrawn New #45 Withdrawn New #97 Withdrawn New #92 Withdrawn New #91 Withdrawn New #38 Withdrawn New #42 Withdrawn New #35 Withdrawn New #46 Withdrawn New #28 Discussion Assured Client HI there and thank you for your submission.Could you please provide another with the following changes for us to viewCan we mke the second and third lines darker to enable them to be read more easily?Thank you. 13 years ago Assured Client Hi there and thank you for your relation to your entry#36, currently ranking #3, wondering if you could please make the following changes.Is there any way that we can make the first, second and third rows of writing in a larger size font to make it easier to read.Thank you 13 years ago Assured Client Thank you for revising your submission.Your entry #41 is currently ranking #1.The only issue at the moment is that a . is missing at the end of LTDOtherwise, looking good.Thank you. 13 years ago RayC - SLC Logo Designer Good afternoon, sorry ive bombarded you with options but just wanted to get my ideas in.I will amend the logo to include the . after LTD, i must admit i took it of to tidy but i know it should be included. Thank you for all your feed back. It is much appreciated.RegardsRay 13 years ago Assured Client HI Ray,In relation to your entry#51, currently ranking#1Just wondering if we could have a gold separator line between lines 2 and 3 to match the color of the word ASSURED, similar to that in your entry #35.Thank you 13 years ago Assured Client HIIn relation to your entry #51, currently ranking #1,Are we please able to see one with the second and third lines of text in a darker blue, not sure if it's called thiel blue, similar color to that of a logo submitted by another designer.Thank you. 13 years ago RayC - SLC Logo Designer Good MorningThank ou once again for our feedback, i have made the changes see #65I've also made the Gold line slightly thickerRay 13 years ago RayC - SLC Logo Designer Have also just uploaded a version with a darker blue Sphere #66 13 years ago Assured Client HI there,Just wondering if you could please sub,it another sample with the following changes;All lettering to be in navy blue colour, gold separator line to remain.Thank you 13 years ago Assured Client Apologies, I was referring to your entry #66, currently ranking #2Thank you. 13 years ago RayC - SLC Logo Designer Hi ThereChanges have been made. I've also uploaded a version with the word assured edged out in goldray 13 years ago Assured Client HI there in relation to entry #77, currently ranked #2Are we able to see one with all of the wording in a shade of blue similar to that of the entry currently ranking #1When we view your logo, it seems more on the purple side than blue.I would appreciate it if you could submit anopther one for our review.Thank you 13 years ago RayC - SLC Logo Designer Good Afternoon #101 has a different blue as requestedMany ThanksRay 13 years ago Assured Client Hi Ray,entry#101, currently ranking #1,Could we please have the slogan, third line in black, dark enough to stand out.I apologise, I meant to include this in my earlier comment to you.Thank you 13 years ago RayC - SLC Logo Designer Hi There logo has been updated to include the black slogan #102 many thanksRay 13 years ago Assured Client Thank you Ray, I think we have it. 13 years ago Assured Client HI Ray, my partner would appreciate it if you could provide a sample of entry#103 having the top 2 lines in black and the third line in blue.Basically reversing the colours we have there.He is thinking of when we print off anything with our logo as to how well the blue will appear.Thank you. 13 years ago RayC - SLC Logo Designer Hello Changes have been made. I Have also provided an all black version which ma be better for you when printing.Ray 13 years ago RayC - SLC Logo Designer Hi There #106 Shows the Text in Black and #107 shows how a Mono logo would look as requestedRay 13 years ago