asnetLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / asnet

asnet has selected their winning logo design.

For $475 they received 329 designs from 56 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

værdi til bestyrelsen
What We Do
Company board members. Its a membership organisation for professional boardmembers.

But the text logo has to go well with the main logo which is their brand identity.
Color Preferences
It has to match the old logo identity which should be integrated in the logo.

It could also be that only one of the parts of the logo is in the text logo... like the alternative logo.jpg
Our Ideas & Additional Information
we need the wording ASNET it could be small or big letters.. and if we need a tagline this could be "værdi til bestyrelsen" with the danish letter æ in it.

The tagline means value to the board.

how and where the flower should be placed we dont know.

i also uploaded one earlier logo but its just one we made fast.. and its not good enough.
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You can move the logoflower to another location.
5 years ago
we have to comment tomorrow.. its late here now.. Thank you for all your designs so far.
5 years ago
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