Your designs look great, but could you please correct the small spelling mistakes with our Arabic calligrahy? Askari is spelled عسكري and does not have a sheddah (ّ) above the letter س. Thanks so much and keep the great designs coming!
My company, Askari Associates, has picked your design as a winner, but we would like you to make the following modifications: First, could you take your Entry #25 and put it as white letters on a red background, similar to Entry #6? Also, can you use the font and font size of Entry #6, in black color, for the modified logo? Finally, we need two versions of the logo, one as you have it with the symbol on top of the writing, and another in which the symbol is to the left of the writing, similar to Entry #9. Thanks so much, and thanks for the fantastic design!
These look great, but can I ask you to make a few small modifications? Please take your Entry #80 and put the Arabic letters in a red box with white letters, like you have it, but put the English letters (Askari Associates) underneath the box in black letters, like Entry #6 . Also, for the black letters please use, if you can, the same font as Entry #6 . Also, entry #84 looks great, but can you also change the font for #84 to the font from #6 ?Thanks so much, and please message me if you have any questions. Thanks!