#30 is an interesting idea. could you please make the text in uppercase with a space seperating ASIMM IT then complete the shapes above the first i to mirror the images on the second i to complete a half circle.
#42 doesn't quite have the same appeal as #30 does it?
Ok lets put number #30 to one side for now and come back to it later if need be. Do you have any other ideas which might involve IT in any way such as networking, data which can cleverly be implemented into the logo?
doesn't have to be just networking or data, IT is quite a vast area however most things have been done to death, such as mice, keyboard keys, @ signs and I really want something that will be unique to me
I have placed #30 in the top 3. The IT needs a space from the ASIMM on that design however you are not required to make that change at this point as the current top 3 designs are likely to change as the competition progresses.
Thanks for the new ideas you have submitted, I will look at them over the weekend and leave feedback.
Thanks for #97 it is a little too close to nvidias logo and I want to avoid copyright infringement. I like what you have done with the circles which captures what nvidia have done, do you think that instead of the circles we can do the same thing but utilising the IT in place of the circles some how?