Thanks , I have seen an interesting font that was elongated and slightly exaggerated , but it was in a classical style type. I am trying to find an example. I do like the one you picked out but thought I should perhaps see a couple more.
Hi. here's the new font submissions #90 #92 - elongated and has character. I know it doesn't look slightly exaggerated :)) Do you like something along that line?
great, now if you can make the pink less neon, more like a salmon , where the orange and pink would be the same tone. Maybe a warmer pink. could be very interesting. Might create a subtle tension.thanks !
Thanks, that is interesting, but I keep going back to # 100. If you could make the yellow area the color orange in the A of #111, I think we may have it. thanks ( I think this will be just like #82 but with the newer type)
How utterly and extremely cool. Best of all worlds. Congrats ! I love it. Now is the type something that is available if I want to use it on my website?
Thank you Ashley. It just so fun to work with you until the final logo. The type is available, I will send the font to your email after you complete the contest :)