#122 (and #123!) Ranked primarily for the strong font and aggressive two-line treatment of the full name. No legibility issues with this one! :-)
Like the virtuous circle of the image, but for our purposes we probably needs something a little more obviously textile or garment. And this would definitely look better in the horizontal (image alongside brand name)
#137 and #146 With lots of strands employed in the mark, the number might as well be 10, representing the 10 ASEAN member countries. Stakeholders will inevitably ask "Why aren't there ten strands?"
Still like your two-line treatment of the full name per #137, though not sure how that would play out with SAFSA and Source ASEAN.
with 10 strands to represent the 10 ASEAN member countries. Do not worry about SAFSA version as you will see that the 2 lines work fine. Also did some variations.