I like the logo a lot, I just feel like it is missing something, I don't know if something in the background, a little road, something on top of the mountain, a sun, a ray or something, but I feel like I really like the mountain artwork, just something is missing. Thanks.
I like the idea of the eagles, but not as many, could we try one like entry 51, but with only one Eagle and no clouds. If possible one with one eagle and one with one eagle and maybe a hint of a setting sun somewhere, maybe light gray... Thanks
Hi, I like 81, but can you move the eagle so that it is above the middle mountain (a little to the right of the peak, if you see 51, between the third and fourth eagle please). Thank you
Hi, I imagine that if you win, I can get the color variations you have on #2 and #3 as well right? they are the same logo at the end of the day, just different colors. Can you confirm. Thank you