crampfenburg01, Thank you for so many entries to view. We like your #6 entry, and i am also drawn to your #5 entry-- could we possibly add two more entries, slightly modified? After seeing the different color combinations, we'd like to try a deep red/crimson somewhere in the logo--nothing too bright, but if we could see a rich red added to the #6 entry that would be great. We like the idea of a red shade with the brown you are using. Also, could we see entry #5 with the same slogan line "An Assortment of Unique Creations" added as you have it on the #6 entry? Maybe try some of the red coloring in that one as well?
Thank you for the additional options. We like the reds you are showing, and prefer the brown over the grey-- We also like the logo being on one clean line as you have it--we are split on the two abstract circle you have any other circular shape options we could explore?
crampfenburg01 , Thanks for all of the options. We really like the 'a' you came up. We think #23 is the closest style to what we are looking for but may want to adjust the coloring--possible modifications: "krafted" looks a little light, could this be darkened a shade or two or would making it bold type solve this?
we like the coloring of the words in #12-- could you try using these colors with the logo from #23--making the circle of the logo the same color as the "krafted" in #12 and logo "a" the same color as the "artfully" in #12
#38 and #39 are as you requested in my opinion there's not enough contrast in #39 that's why i suggest #40 to #42. The circle is either darker or the "a" is lighter or both
2 more variations, in both there a little bit more white space around the "a" for #47 i chose a different brown with less red in it to balance the red supremacy in the whole logo
in #68 to #70 i modified the white inner circle, the borders are smooth and it's offset (decentered). In my opinion the balance is better. just fine tuning
I agree it is looking better. Could we see #70 with some background color. In my head I think a light tan but am open to any colors you think would make your design pop. Just interested in how it will look on something other than a white background. Thanks!
i took #70 your favorite to show a few backgrounds. if you go for a background we'll probably have to tweak the light colors a bit. if you want a darker background we'll have to take #69, i'll post a few examples later
oh, and all backgrounds are solid, i didn't show gradients or light effects... in my opinion they don't match with the logo, but i'll post an example as well
crampfenburg01 thanks for all of your variations. the solid backgrounds really look great, versus the backgrounds that have the lighter center. It is good to see how the logo looks on non-tan/brown colors, like you did on #83 and #84-- additionally, the shade of blue and green you used REALLY compliment the logo colors. Seeing the logo with color behind it really helps to make the logo stand out, as well as helps to see how the logo would work in everyday application/print. Thank you for all of the options and all of your work on this! To satisfy a curiosity, could you take the colors in #2 (green/tan), apply it to the favored "a" logo as in #1, and put it on a colored background? I think we are finalizing on the shades of brown and red, but that green is really catchy!! Thank you again for all of your work!
#94 to #102 as you can see in #96 the green and the red don't really match, it becomes poisonous in my opinion. But the green and antique gold is perfect, i'll post 2 examples of green red with bckgr. in a few minutes, i must explore a bit nothing matches really
thank you for trying the green coloring with the 'a' logo--i agree with you that the colors are much harder to match with a background. i just had to see it i guess to realize. thank you!