This is fantastic #24. Love the concept. This is certainly the direction I was hoping to go in. When we finalize colors, I will post more...just still not sure. But this red and blue is awesome, too. Thank you.
Thank you for making some adaptations. They are all fun. #42 is nice because it will stand alone, but then I wonder if I should have two A's right next to each other. Also, is there a way to do a female version or just nix the tie? I place more women than men by far. I love the Y on number 43, but same concern. But I must say I really like them all. I am not set on red and blue and am leaning more towards the greens and grays and some blue. Thanks again.
Based on your feedback, I came up with entry #48. In this case, you could still pull out the "A" and use it on its own. Let me know what you think. THanks!
As you can tell we really like all your designs. I am overwhelmed on how to rank these, as they are all good and coming together. We are starting to like the blues, grays, a little deeper green and a taupey color. All of those tones make it look a little more masculine, since the women are leaning toward some of the curvier lines. I know in the end I will try to stay with a two color logo for practical purposes, but three or shading is okay as long as I can manipulate it for future printing. We like stacked Array Resources, rather thank lining it up to the right. Putting the Resources on #64 underneath might be interesting. Thank you again and I will figure out how to line all these up in order of preferences. They are all so good that it is getting too hard to choose.
Thank you, I really do like most of these. I hope it is ok that I moved some that looked similar to the non interested side. I am not sure how this works and when too many look alike it gets confusing. If that is not the proper ranking etiquette let me know.I am just trying to separate the styles a bit for now so I can get a clear picture. I really like what you have done.
Thank you, thank you. That was my business partner asking for some color options. I am overwhelmed with all the choices this morning. I know I want to consider both your 144 and 48 designs. I love the others as well. But I keep coming back to the very first one you did. I don't know how to do this to buy myself some time with my team. Do I need to keep them both in the top 5?
The top 5 mode is for the top 5 designers to be able to submit revisions, not the Top 5 designs so a design may technically be outside of the top 5 but as long as that designer is one of the 5 highest ranked they can still submit. So you wouldn't need to keep both of my designs in the top 5 - just one of them. Hope this makes sense. Let me know if you have any other questions or want to see any other changes. Thanks!
Honestly, I don't know what else in the way of design you could change or do better. I really like it. As you can tell we are all over the map on color. I have been researching what makes the most sense for my industry and it seems to be the blues and silvers and a touch of black. I don't want a royal blue, but more on the french blue shades. Sorry, we thought maybe we would try the red/orange thing but I just don't think we pull it off well. The true red and blue looked political and I just haven't seen the green reflect our personality so here we are trying blues. Gosh, I just saw your 168 and that looks good, red and orange. Tonight I have the team together and we will finalize. Thank you so much.
Thanks again for all your hard work. We have been overwhelmed this last 24 hours, but will get going this morning. One favor, can you put the persons body on #168 a little closer to the bottom line? Also, is it possible to just crank it out as one color so I can see what it would look like on certain items where only one color is an option? If you are busy, no worries as I don't need that to make a decision. Thanks.
Thank you for all you have done. We will finalize our choice in the next day or so. I am sorry I can't do it sooner. It seems my associates are all traveling and I need to get their opinion too...unfortunately. Thank you very much.