Dear # 50 is looking much better but I would like to see instead of the dot shape in the letter A try having the same shape which the arms create in the empty space like a rhombus shape
Thank you. I will keep the blue and gray you specified but change the other colors. If there are any colors uou like just mention them and I will try them, too.
At this stage no more blue and grey! Try using The UAE flag colors. Also would you be kind to try the same concept but with different style of showing the people (more modern)
Please could you modify Entry #37 and make the font little bold and make each letter close to each other as you had for Entry#50. Plus keep the symbolic color in Entry #37 same as other missed with different colors the wow factor. And make the sympolic little bigger and up little bit from the word “ARMUC”. Looking to see some excellent options from you. P.S. don’t loss the blue dot in “A”.
Dear, First of all, hats off for your hard work. Secondly, I've just fallen in love with the font you used for #216 but the symbol from # 212. Please show me one with that combination. Also loose the dot in the letter A and have instead just a normal A
for #217 there is 2 requests : One to see how the logo looks in B&W - two I want you to give me the 4 persons creating the unit in a different color schemes. To site an example: 1 green,1 silver, 1 yellow..etc. each person will represent a sector which ARMUC operates in. The challenge is how to make this color combinations works together without being odd!
for #217 there is 2 requests : One to see how the logo looks in B&W - two I want you to give me the 4 persons creating the unit in a different color schemes. To site an example: 1 green,1 silver, 1 yellow..etc. each person will represent a sector which ARMUC operates in. The challenge is how to make this color combinations works together without being odd!
Changing colors is no problem at all, any colors will work with this design. The .EPS file you get at the end of the contest makes it possible for any vendor you use to change colors if you decide to. I'll do a couple of variations for you now. I also am available after the contest is over and you have your files if you need me.