Hi there, First off I visited your site and I was immediately moved by your cause. I was deeply moved by the pictures and the music playing in the background. I remembered my two daughters right away. They are aged 2 and 6. After seeing the video I decided I should do something for you. So I made a donation for you from my profit on my winning here in LT.
Now on my design I based it on the Family with a child with brain tumore. Based on your descriptions and color likings. I also made the logo happy and child friendly. Further On I will incorporate the logo made by Armstrong because for me I do not want to remove his legacy (his work) out of the picture since he did the art and it was very good. Its amazing he did something like that. It made me wow! =)
I really like #55, my concern is the gray outline of the lettering. I like the size of the lettering but would like it to be all blue. Like #54...but the "Armstrong" just doesn't look as good in that one as it does in #55. Is there any other options for that?
Here is my revision on the logo I made the letters all blue and bolder just like what we have in #55. Hope you like it. Will upload my new concept later.