Arizona School Computer User's Support (ASCUS)Logo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Arizona School Computer User's Support (ASCUS)
Arizona School Computer User's Support (ASCUS) has selected their winning logo design.
For $475 they received 299 designs
from 36 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
Just ask us!
What We Do
ASCUS is a group where users come together to share information with each other, glean information from state officials, and brainstorm solutions to common concerns about student data and financial data submissions for education in the state of Arizona. Target audience is PreK-12 education professionals.
Color Preferences
All colors acceptable, complementary color scheme, limit to no more than three colors
Our Ideas & Additional Information
We would like a logo that ensures ASCUS is portrayed as an organization of professionals. We focus on computer and support, collaboration, and the of education/students. The attached is part of the current/past ASCUS logo which was originally more of a purple logo. We would be okay with purple in the logo again but the new logo does not have to stick with any of the styles or colors of the past.