#44 I'm not a graphics expert but it looks like you used some sort of spotlight lighting effect directly above the A/P part of the graphic. Instead of using one, could 3 be used (perhaps 2 on the left side and 1 on the right) from roughly the 10 o'clock position of the left and 2 o'clock position on the right? The company was started by 3 individuals and each spotlight would represent one of them. Of course no one would probably ever pick up on the symbolism except for the 3 partners. I'm not sure that it could be pulled off without looking totally tackey but some sort of "star" spot effect would be cool to see.
#53 my first thought was to have 3 light elements vs. just the one directly above as you have in #44. Do you understand what I am referring to? The thought progression was to have 3 stars instead of subtle light sources but my concern was it would make the graphic too busy looking (still mulling that over). We really like the waves you have in #44 as stated above.
Only 16 hours till the contest closes! Keep'em coming!! :)
#57 Yes, that is closer to what I was thinking. Maybe make the elements slightly smaller? I'm not sure what I'm thinking will be better than #44 but I appreciate you making the changes. :)