Hi there I like #250 #251 quite a lot but the for for 61 must be more unique. It must be easy to recognise the logo just looking at the number 61 Thanks Simone
Thanks for the new ones, however the ones are complicating the basic concept of #250 @251 which I think are very cool, simple and effective. Don't do too far away from them.
#261 #262 good idea with the number but difficult to reproduce with stitches (embroidery of fabric) and vinyl because of the sharp edges
#263 nice new font, it's different but not "as cool" Still #263, the text area. try to make the "e" exactly like the "a" but upside-down?
Thank you for the feedback Simone! :) On comment: "Still #263, the text area. try to make the "e" exactly like the "a" but upside-down?"
I tried turning the "a" into "e" by twisting and rotating but it looks weird and i would not suggest doing so. Do you have any other suggestion or request that might improve the logo?
ok, it seems you're running for victory. I still need some refinement to make it "the" winner 100%... 1) I like the area font. is it a font or did you create it, or did you start from an existing and then you modified it? 2) Do you use corelDRAW or illustartor? 3) on #251 a would try and to the corner a bit sharper like on #250 4) last point: if I use #250 without "area" on a racing car or superbike or motocross... the "61" font is not really "unique". Please try and make it a bit bolder (not fatter)
Please don't lose the square shape of the red box that contains the 61. That's nice in square. Maybe in #250 you can try and do the "area" on the left instead than on top?
vrs.01 Refinement of type: (type originally is harabara bold but i have refined and changed letter distances and slight letter deficiencies). Letter "e" and no "1" are mirror rotated.
vrs.01 Refinement of type: (type originally is harabara bold but i have refined and changed letter distances and slight letter deficiencies). Letter "e" and no "1" are mirror rotated.
vrs.01 Refinement of type: (type originally is harabara bold but i have refined and changed letter distances and slight letter deficiencies). Letter "e" and no "1" are mirror rotated.