i really like the design on the side for this one! the font of Arabesque is nice too. i think the the red is too dark on a black background, maybe a lite more grey o white is good. the music staff is a good idea too but maybe we can funk it up a bit? there is another design that has a twisted music staff that i liked.
oh my goodness, i just noticed the treble clef sign :) maybe make that pop just a tiny bit more, like make it grey? i don't know you probably would come up with a better idea to make it pop out :)
i am making you work too hard here! but i really like your idea and would like it tweaked a bit more! i liked the font of "music studios" much better in #18 and it's color (grey) i like the placement, color, and size of the treble clef in #36 i do like the curved staff but it's either curved or not, i don't like having both of them there. i do not like the addition of notes at the end after the word, i think it makes it a little too busy in #36
you think you can try that for me?
and also, i am wondering, how would this look on a white background? should we do the pattern on the left in grey as well just beacause it might be on a white background?