I really like this entry. Could you do one of two modifications, please. Would like to see a little bit of detail to the dragon itself. Either a few randomly placed scales in the body. Or a few spikes on the back side of the neck. Thank you for your submission. Very creative and unique.
Thank you for the revisions. Trying to wrap this up. Everyone has made the decision very tough. Thank you for your time and assistance with the revisions.
First, CONGRATULATIONS! We have selected your logo as the entry that best exemplifies the look and feel that best represents our swim team. Celebrating our 25th year, we felt this was the best time to change the logo that would reflect the Aquadragons. I am excited to share the new winning design with the team!
Second, we are under a very tight deadline to get some gear ordered with the logo on it. Could you please send a vector eps file of the logo to: adamsfarmswimteam@gmail.com
Lastly, could you also let me know what font/type face was used in the logo?
Again, congratulations and thank you very much for your time, hard-work and creativity.
Best Regards, Greg parent representative | adams farm aquadragons swim team