Ref: Entry #15. I like how you incorporated some corals in the background and the colors used. The fish in the center is the only problem. Try using a saltwater fish such as a clown fish, morish idol, tang, or so forth. Also, see how it would look with using our current logo font. It's Chaucer Regular, if possible. It would be interesting to incorporate the old with the new. Thank you and keep up the hard work.
Ref: Entry #10. This is another good design. See what it would look like with other looks for lighting up top. The lighting fixture looks a little to warehouseish. I do like the round look with the lighting inside it as how you made it. The way the logo will be used with the company name in ad and print is still up in the air. I was thinking about maybe having it where the logo and company name could be seperated for some print material such as t-shirts and promo material. ex. The logo by itself to the left of the company name. Again, these are just ideas I'm toying with, but not sure if I'm going to go that route. Thank you.
Thank you very much for your insights and suggestions sir. It will help me a lot in coming up with a better logo for your company. Will make the necessary revisions soon. Sorry about the angel fish, I forgot its a fresh water fish, silly me.
Ref: Entry #41 & #40. Not a bad idea. Not really liking the rows of dots/circles thought. I like your direction in entries #10 and #38 better. Just didn't like the spot light look in entries #37 & #39. An other ideas for lighting in say #10? Thank you and keep them coming. Think classy and well refined. Expensive!!!