Aqua GrilleLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Aqua Grille

Aqua Grille has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 286 designs from 51 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
Bistro & Bar
What We Do
Casual, affordable waterfront restaurant with an all weather deck overlooking scenic Sandwich Marina and Cape Cod Canal serving new American bistro cuisine and fresh seafood.
Color Preferences
Reflect the colors of the surrounding environment including the the deep blues and greens of the water, the vivid colors that paint the boats and seafaring vessels, the warm gold, green and yellow tones of beach grass and sand. NO FISH. Prefer bold to mellow.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Casual, cool and fun for people in their forties and fifties.


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Entry Number










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1 2 3 4 5 1 ... 5 Next >


Thanks for all the great entries so far. You all seemed to consider my elements and now I can see what works better than others. The reason I didn't want a fish is that the currnet logo is a cartoon fish and I wanted to get away from anything cartoonish. I prefer bold and somewhat sophisticated over a Disney World look. Disney is too main stream.

#4, #5, #6, #7 & #8 are intertesting but a little too water elementy - maybe it's the bubbles that throw me off :)

Those I prefer are for the following reasons:
#1, #3 & #14 for simplicity and effectiveness
#9 is interesting but a little too yacht clubby. I like the color usage, butit may be too sophistcated.
#15 captures my female senses and it's definitely got a summ feel, but perhaps too beachy? They're open in the winter, too, off season and cold, so this would be a bit out of place, but I really love it.
#17 I like mostly for the colors used. I'd like more name and less water element, but it's different.
#12 & 21 I like but they're a little too resort hotel-restaurantish
#20 is cool but maybe to modern for Cape Cod
#2 I'm liking this more and more. It reminds me of the gorgeous sunsets there. I also like the color usage. it's warm and summerish and simple and approachable.

In summary, I'd like to see more of the warm, gold/sun/beach grass element to make it approachable even in the winter if possible without losing a summer feel.

I like seeing a tiny bit of primary boat colors sprinkled in, too, but I don't expect every element to work in one logo. In the end it will be the right combination.

I wouldn't mind sun rays that double as grille heat. Sun setting over the ocean?

Thanks again!
15 years ago
it just came to me that a boat element is missing in my request. It's not a make or break issue but "boats" are the view. Pleasure boats, sail boats, barges, fishing boats, you name it - cruise ships even [p-ass through the Cape Cod Canal and the smaller boats dock at the boat slip across the street.

15 years ago
Just want to thank everyone so very much for your efforts. Choosing from so many wonderful creations is difficult. When the client finally has time we will review every one of them, so if your logo is in the rejected folder it may be only be temporarily. I tried to work with what I know and my instincts, but the client may be attracted to something totally different, you never know. Peace.
15 years ago

Can anyone make a simple logo with the "Q" in Aqua a sunshine? You'd have to do all caps. Yellowish and the other letters a nice blue-green?

Maybe one simple wavy line ( a fine darker blue perhaps) underneath Aqua Grille and above Bistro and Bar which can be upper and lower case .... but take artisitc reins, too.

Thanks in advance!
15 years ago
Still hoping for a few more with sunshine "Q's".
15 years ago
One final comment to those who have withdrawn their entries. The client hasn't had a chance to see eveerything. They might see something I overlooked, but not if your work isn't there.

Peace, all, and thanks for the efforts. The cleint is opening a new restaurant next week and I have to tie them down to finalize everything.
15 years ago
It looks like the decision will be made tomorrow morning. I will rank one more time before we make the decision. Thank you, everyone .
15 years ago
The family is opening a new restaurant today and that's the hold up in the decision making. I apologize for dragging this out, but we'll have an answer by this weekend.
15 years ago
Before I selected the winner I made sure I put the right people in second and thrid place. I didn't however place the rest of the entries as there we so many of them and many people withdrew theirs.
So I will at least rank the 4th - 11th place for what i's worth.
4. Demins #59
5. EP84 #30
6. Prozines #30
7. Oz #32
8.raylenej #66
9.mkdes!gn #72
10.mainmain #104
11 Arbizu # 246
15 years ago
Also Scot #15 is worthy of mention.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Some blue ribbons would've been good :(
15 years ago
Logo Designer
That's quite a downfall I made: from (once) number two into "not interested" ... ;-)
15 years ago
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