#24 - Different hockey puck in center of the design. #25 - Different hockey puck in center of design & and replace rain drops with raining pucks in the umbrella.
I'm having trouble selecting you as the winner. When I get the logo from you can you also send it in all of the colors that you created including just black and white?
Both color versions will be provided. You do have to have 3 separate designer ranked 1st, 2nd & 3ed to be able to close out the contest. Might have to reinstate a design since I only see two of us left. Thanks! Kib
Designers on this site will give you the variations along with the one you choose as the winner. That happens after the winning design is chosen and the contest is closed, and then designers are allowed to work with you further. A lot of designers will also work with you even after a contest ends. Thanks, Kib
in the message before, I was trying to say most designers would also offer the color variations and portrait/landscape of the winning design if asked for in the end of a contest. Thanks, Kib
Hi Kib, I have selected your logo. I'm not sure how this works from here on. I may want to change the color at some point. Will I be able to do that with the format that you send it to me in? Can we email or do we have to go through this site?