Guzz-tee, we are in the final stages of our decision and everyone is impressed with your work! We especially like #83! We have one more request. We like #83 because it's so clean, but we also like #86 because it implies more then one person working together. Is there anyway to add one more person, or imply one in #83 while keeping it as clean as it looks?
Sorry!! That's my fault!! I wasn't specific enough. We were thinking of a 2nd person shadowed behind the one in #83. If that can't fit or work, that's fine too. Just wanted to see if we could get the two people in the first design both upright...
Guzz-tee, Wow, these just keep getting better and better! We are VERY impressed with the shadow. We're not so crazy about the double white figure. If you don't mind, we'd like to try one other adjustment. Not sure I an explain this in my comment, but I'll try... Can you take original single figure (#83) and add a shadowed person RIGHT behind it (sort of offset a bit) so it looks like two people? We're trying to get the impression of a few people working together in "synergy" if possible, but if it takes away from the original and clutters it up we're fine with what we've seen... THANKS again!
We continue to be thrilled with your work... We are headed into the final judging stages and have another request. Would it be possible to add the dark blue shadow in #92 to the back of #95?? Hope I explained that right. We like both and were wondering what they would look like "combined". We like the "dramatic" look of #92, but also like the multiple figure look of #95!
We are VERY close:) One (hopefully) last request... We're down to very subtle things. We really like #101 and #102. One small change. We REALLY liked the "highlighting" around the edges of #93 (the curving triangle shaped highlights). They seem a bit less in #101/102. Is it possible to bring that outside highlighting look to 101/102? Hope I'm describing this well... Let me know if you have a questions - Bob
Love this... Can the be a LITTLE thinner and a LITTLE whiter? Again, a bit more pronounced like #93. We are CLOSE!! Thanks so much for your patience with the back and forth and for your responsiveness!! It's great!!
You NAILED it!! Now we need your help in narrowing a few of these so our "reviewers/friends" can help us pick the final one. Obviously, you probably guessed by now that you're our "winner":) Can you pull the following numbers so we can get a final vote? #94, 95, 98-104. We will have them help us pick from the rest. Is that ok? Just WONDERFUL work! We are VERY pleased. You are very talented....
CONGRATULATIONS on winning our contest!! We couldn't be happier with your work. It's going to be a huge boost to our company. THANKS so much...
One question - We plan on using the winning logo both with the text (#105) and with the logo along (#106) Is it possible to get both images? We're not sure how the rules work. Let us know!!
Thank you for choosing my design as a winner of your contests. really appreciate it. You can also contact me through my personal (my email account already sent to you by private message) The final final has successfully uploaded. for #106 logo I'll send to you by email please let me know your personal email.
Thank YOU Guzz-tee for your fine work! It's really going to help jumpstart our new company and we be proudly displaying your logo at all the many conferences and presentations we do each year...
Also, THANKS for offering to send us the logo along (#106). My personal email is
We will definitely recommend your work to others!!
You're welcome.. nice to hear that, an email with #106 file has already sent to please let me know if you have any other request, I'll gladly do.