Entry #14- We really like the image above Applebrook. Is it possible for you to have the hands/people form a shape of an apple? The shadow introduces a third color, so we prefer that it not be used. We are willing to see it replace with something else. We like the font style used as well as the color combinations.
I like the revisions made...out of curiosity I would like to see the logo without the heart in the center. And could caregivers be increased. Concern is from a distance people will not be able to see caregivers.
some feedback from other stakeholders is: they really like this logo....however, is there anyway you can soften it. Are the leaves around the "apple" suppose to look like hands and the apple suppose to look like a heart? Thanks...please let me know if there are any questions.
Yes you guessed it ryt, the hands around the apples are shown like hands holding the apple, i can show the full apple but i tried to give a look of both heart and apple, thats why hidden it slightly, i am submitting a version where the hands (leaves) are apart to make the apple more visible. your views?
Entry #39- Is it possible for you to keep the hands in their current position, but round the finger tips? At the present time they come to a point. Also, for entry #39, can we see another font style that you think will be visibly clear when passing by in a vehicle?
Entry #37- Can you outline the heart red? Can you submit another with the heart outlined in gold? Also, for entry #37, can we see another font style that you think will be visibly clear when passing by in a vehicle?
We like the change made to the image of the apples and hands (entry #77- #79). Especially in regards to entry #77, do you think these logo would look good in a newspaper (in black & white)?
We like the font size and style of "Applebrook" on entry #77. Can you apply it to entries #77- #79 as well as #37?
We like the font style and treatment of "Caregivers" on entry #78, but we believe it is still too small. Can you increase the size once again and apply it to entries #77 - #79 and #39? Maybe almost equal to the font size as "Applebrook".
Thanx for the feedback, submitting versions in black and white too for newsprinting, it will look good even in B/W also increased the font of Caregivers
Entry #94- I like the font for caregivers, can you make it 2 of 3 sizes smaller. I want to see the apple in a red color and change Applebrook to green and caregivers to red. Can I see this change for #90 as well as far as font change of caregivers and switching the colors out.
Entry #95- Can you flip the leaf? Another option for Entry #95 is to switch out the colors, make the apple red and the leaves green. And make Caregivers 2 or 3 size smaller.
Once the contest is over, please provide the following logo variations: White Background, Colored Background, Black & White, and Solid Colors. Also, please provide the logo in these additional formats AI and PNG.
For entry # 88 please make the wording Applebrook Caregivers the same as Entry #119. For entry 119 please engrave the heart in gold, same as entry #88.
Entry #95- We are going to go with #95 as our logo. We would like a couple changes to be made before awarding. As with entry #125, please place the larger leaf on the left hand side. Please make font and size like entry #127.
Congratulations on the win! Thank you for your hard work and dedication. In the files that you will provide of the logo, is it possible for you to provide the following logo variations: White Background, Colored Background, Black & White, and Solid Colors? Also, please provide the logo in these additional formats; AI and PNG.
Please let me know if you need additional information from me, prior to submitting the files.