Die schrift die ich ausgewählt und bearbaitet habe passt zur atmosphäre einer Stadt mit älterer architectur wie Paris. Sagen sie es mir bescheid wenn das logo moderner aussehen soll. Mit freundlichen Grüssen Stickie
I very much like the font and the way you incorporated the Eiffel tower. I think it's too black though. The logo will probably be simpler to fit in the website, etc. if the backround is white. It might be worth a try to make the font black or some shade of grey (or maybe with a transition between both) and somehow add a color. Also, there are two mistakes: "Appartement" is not spelled correctly (it's lacking an "e") and it's not "parisienne" but "parisien". For my taste "parisienne" looks way cooler but it's grammatically incorrect (which might be a problem when your clients are educated students) :)
I quite like #7. Not sure if there is a way to improve it. Maybe if the "parisien" was somehow underlined. Not with a straight line; something curved; give the Eiffel tower something to stand on; ground it... Just collecting thoughts here. Not sure if that would actually make the logo worse :)