Nicely done design #203.. We like the creativity in the "A" Emblem but would like to see the 'a' in anovos to match the emblem too. Try to use a different font for the remaining 'novos'
Wow... #209 and #208 are VERY nice. One minor change. Make the 'novos' the same font size as the 'A'.. (make them all the same height). Also could you use a font that flattens the height too similar to #38, #145, #135
#229 and #232 are in the right direction. The 'A' seem to be a bit higher then the rest of the Text and we would like the fonts to be the same height. Also add the missing top portion of the 's'..
Yudi. #294 is almost perfect but we need one small change which is my mistake. Do NOT make the emblem an equilateral triangle as I stated above.. this is incorrect. We want it more like an isosceles triangle.
Please have the emblem be: width of the base = 2" height needs to be = 2". See #267 for an example.
#296 is looking great. Can you also do one with a circle instead of the triangle.. we are going back and forth which one we like.. You did a circle one before but it had white text emblem we like to see what it would look like with the Black text Emblem in a circle.
Yudi.. Very nice work. This helps us out rather then just imagining it. One thing that was pointed out and didn't even notice it was in the text 'ANOVOS' The 'A' is well done and we like it but the remain characters 'NOVOS' don't match the font style of the 'A'. Can you change this to match? The characters 'novos' have rounded ends and we would like to have these squared off to match the 'A' style and they need to have the same thickness too.