Hi :) My entry features customized type with a barley spike & hop cone snaking through. I knocked off the sharp edges to give it a warmer / more comfortable feel and kept things simple to give it a more relaxed, outdoor vibe. The flat color and larger spaces will also work really well for embroidery or screen printing for merchandising (hats, fleeces, tshirts, pint glasses, etc.
Just out of curiosity - what's your house beer line-up? I'm a homebrewer, so I'm always interested to hear what people consider to be their "staples" :) RDWHAHB (or craft brew, as is the case)
Hi Josh, thanks for joining the contest! We love LOVE the entwined barley and hops! I think we like to see the design with a little brighter colors (we are divided on this) just to compare. Do you have any other ideas for the animas font? (I'm not crazy about the "s" for some reason). Also, half of us like the compass type outline since it visually is different but the other half think would like to see it as maybe a vertical rectangle or would also be open to other shapes you think might be interesting.
Here's a slough of entries...I took the compass frame version a little farther with #100 (to try and win over the nay-sayers : ) )
I was thinking that #104 / #105 / #106 could be cool made into patches or signs - or even as taphandles (or labels if you went that route) You could replace the the graphic with a brew-specific graphic and then just have either the brew name or the type (stout, IPA, hefe, etc.) in a plain type above the "badge". Just a thought - I like to think about how the logo can be carried out beyond being used as a logo. :)
oK - so you were right - the ones that like the compass like the new version even better ;) I, however, and still pulling for just the round one. Can we see #103 with using navy instead of the green? And then instead of green for the majority of the mountains, can we try a light gray with the white tips? I'm also ok with zooming in on the mountains some (like in #105) as I think it's easier to tell what they are from a distance. Thank yoU!
Well I clearly don't know what I want - I don't think I like my suggestions at all:) I think the first color scheme you chose was nice because all of the colors went together (similar intensity, muted shades, etc). I guess I'm looking for that but with a different color scheme... I think the muted colors look nice with this logo - the bright navy, green, and red seem to take away from your original design. Am I making any sense??? Do you have any ideas for another muted color scheme but with different colors/combinations? Maybe a muted blue shade as the primary color instead of the green. Thank you
Ok so I really really love the bottom half of this logo with the font and barley/hops. What do you think about making the top half of the logo more of a background for the entire logo? Or maybe just incorporating a mountain-river some other way? Thank you!
All the same versions just to show how you could easily change out the color for different purposes - a milk stout could use the brown version, oktoberfest for the red, etc.
#141 This has a waterfall for the "I" that pours into a small pond with a boat / fisherman
#142 The type is a little hard to read, but if you like this one, I could probbaly darken it up and make the color shades a lot close so that it would read as solid letters?
There are still plenty of directions that could be explored, so let me know what you think :) Are there some issues that are / aren't being addressed? How do you think you'll use the logo most frequently? I do think the muted color palette might work better - bright colors / gradients might confuse people about the "craft" aspect of the beer, if that makes sense?
Hi josh! We really, really like these! First and foremost (since we haven't opened yet) we are looking for a logo we can use as our sign and on business cards (this one I see using more colors). Then we will want to incorporate it on the menu and tap handles (which I like your solid colors for). Then down the road, shirts, pint glasses, stickers etc which I can see using both a colorful or solid options for. I think entries 136-, 137, 138, 139, 143 would be perfect for most of these things. I would like to figure out a way to a colorful logo for our main sign though - that one may need to have a border around it maybe? Also, since we only get to choose one winning design, how easy is the file to manipulate? Thank you
Here's a combination of the two version - although I went with the more muted blue. I'll have the more saturated blue up in a second for comparison.
It's pretty easy to manipulate - I can save it so all of the elements are grouped by color, but I can supply variations at no charge. Supplying color variations is actually part of the agreement on LT. :)
Could you also try a couple of different fonts- maybe animas is a bit narrower font with a hint of shadow? Thank you. Maybe the colorful logo for the sign could be #142 with the mountains just as a background behind the font?
I thinned up the font and added the dropshadow - or did you want a completely different font? Also made th e hopcone green :) (saw that right before I uploaded - just in time!) I'm going to be out for the rest of the evening - but I'll be back tomorrow morning.
Also - just to note - the first-ranked designer can make additional revisions after the time runs out and it's in "Judging Mode", too (although, there's still a day left, so anything could happen)
Thank you! We like the font a lot better. Still trying to go between the white background or something with the solid background more like #141 (with thinned letters and no waterfall/fisherman). Could you try 148 using the tan you used on the solid color options instead of the bright white? Thank you!
Good morning :) Here are some revisions. I **think** I got them worked in, but if I missed anything (or if you want me to revise more) just let me know.
Hi Josh, We really do love these. Can we see 157 back to the gold outline instead of blue (same thickness as 157). I love 154 for a coaster. Can we see what the solid logos (137) type looks like thinned down? I think picking one is going to be hard. Are all of these considered color variations by chance? :)
Great to hear - I'm really happy with how they've progressed, too.
Color: Yes - they *are* color variations! When I redrew the mountains / river, I made it so that they'd be interchangeable. (faster for me and keeps it consistent so that it's just a color variation for you :) ) It's basically the color version minus the color and a clipping path turned off (that allows the outline / badge to be seen)
I'm not sure what the difference is between 148 and 154 but would you please do one of those without the yellow rocks on the side (just the green coming down from the mountain). Also, can you replace Colorado at the bottom with Durango, CO please? Thank yoU!
Also, can you soften the corners on the curved part of the S on ANIMAS (so it's curved instead of boxy). Is this a standard font? So if I try to make business cards are these fonts I can find to use on them? I'm waiting for others feedback for whether we like 160 or 161 based on the shadow font. I really think it looks nice now that the letters are a little thinner. thanks
Hi Josh, Thank you so much for your creativity and patience. And thanks for trying the softer "S", but I think your prior S actually looks better (#148, #155). So here's where we are at....We like a lot of your different submissions and can see different uses for them. For all of them mentioned below, we want to do the thinned up font and the drop shadow on ANIMAS (ex: we like 161 instead of 160) and we'd like Durango, CO to be added to all as well (except 142). - We think 156, 157, 159 would be awesome for coasters -We think 161 (in various colors) would be awesome for tap handles and t-shirts - We think 143 would be awesome for hats/shirts (especially giveaways that we could make more cheaply with a single color logo) and also for growlers - We think 142 could be used as a template for a metal cut out sign that is back lit (ANIMAS can just be a solid color here) - We think 165 and 164 (with "S" revision) will be our main logo for shirts, business cards, etc - We think we would use 158 (but with the more saturated blue outline) and 100 for specialty beers
But I don't really know how to rank these. Do I rank all 10 variations that we like? Will we get files for all variations with the above changes? Do I need to just rank one and then figure out how to manipulate the file to create the other versions myself? Sorry, it's just our first time doing this and I'm a bit confused.
Again, we are really, really pleased with your design and are so happy that you entered the contest!
Great to hear you're happy with the design! :) No worries - totally understand questions. I imagine it's a tricky thing to navigate the first time!
Basically, the logos are just different color versions - so you'd select the full-color version that you like as the winner. I upload the selected file for your approval and then - per the LT agreement - I supply color variations, which would be your single color and two color versions. I'll set them up so that you can easily mange them if you wanted to with a copy of Adobe Illustrator, but I can also just set the colors up for you, too. It's doesn't really take me much time at all.
All of those logos you mentioned above are color variations with the exception of 142 - which is technically a different logo from the others (for the others, after I drop out the background I'm left with the 2-color logo) 142 has art clipped and set into the type itself, which is more than just a color switch - if that makes sense. I'm sure we could work out something reasonable after the contest, though. Unfortunately, I can't really talk terms during the contest so that I don't run the risk of swaying you unfairly.
I'm glad I entered, too! I love working on beer logos. I actually work on a lot of beer logos in my "regular" design work , so I don't normally enter as much on here. (typically in-between jobs to fill "down time" - or if I just see one that I can't resist) I started doing logos for homebrewers to fund my own homebrewing, but then I started getting professional brewers wanting logo / design work done as well. Then other beer-related work came - homebrew supply shops, some craft beer review sites and some homebrew kits manufacturers (you may have seen my packing work in some retail places. There's one kit series on sale through Costco, Sam's Club, etc. and the "private label" version is the homebrew kit at Williams - Sonoma)
Oh - sorry - got rambling...regarding ranking - to close out the contest, you'll need to select different designers in the Top 3 spots. Spots 4 - 10 also give "points" to participating designers, so designers usually appreciate one of those spots rather than just ranking the same designer in all of them. (if you can't win, it's nice to gain a little ground on the ol' totem pole :) )
If you have any other questions, just let me know. Thanks josh
Haven't figured out how to send a private message But one more thing I just noticed...I really like how the river looks in 158. It stands out more and has more of a view from looking down at it rather than looking straight on at it (156 seem flatter, and 165 seems like an even more direct view, than top view). Can we please go back to the view more similar to 158? Also, will we be able to manipulate the fading around the edges from the file? Thanks!
#169 Uses the newer mountain range (it has smaller snow caps and larger shadows - I think this one works better for the 2-color versions...or at least, it's the version I USED for the 2 color versions) I re-drew the river to make it snake out more and overall much larger.
#170 Uses the previous mountain range from #158 - it's actually the same logo, except I adjusted the frame and cut out part of the green grass background for the cream color.
If I'm still not hitting it, just let me know and I'll keep tweaking the logo :) Thanks! josh
Good morning :) Here's a new revisions. I took the river from #158 and scaled the mountains a little bit so that I could use the river exactly as it is in the current first-ranked. These 3 logos show the exact same logo with different layers turned on & off. (I would supply them already adjusted so that you wouldn't have to mess with them, of course. Although - the files are very clean so if another designer had to manipulate them, it should be easy for them to work with)